Cerveza Cristal/Qatar

Una campaña digital para Cerveza Cristal that served as an exhilarating 70-hour countdown to the pivotal Peru vs. Australia playoff match, with the dream of qualifying for the 2022 Qatar World Cup hanging in the balance.

¡Adrenalina pura! Sobre todo con nuestra locación en Qatar.

We accepted the challenge and did our thing.

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A commercial was on schedule, and we were ready to make it on time. KH7, Julio Medem, a Spanish film

Pizza Hut

Adaptar un ícono americano al mercado español: ¿un reto? Seguramente. Did we say we were up for it? Of course.

Athletic Club

The Athletic Club de Bilbao gave us a call and we answered! A photoshoot to launch the new kit for

Nada de Nada

We got to be part of Nothing at All, a short film written and directed by Gastón Haaga. Coordinar y

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